HELB Subsequent Online Loan Application

HELB Subsequent Online Loan Application

Discover the Higher Education Loans Board, HELB Second and Subsequent Online Loan Application Portal, and login to apply. Learn how to use the HELB USSD Code, download the HELB App, and register an account. For first-time applicants use the HELB Undergraduate Student Loan Application Form.

Higher Education Loans Board, HELB Subsequent Online Application 2025/2026

The Higher Education Loans Board, HELB second and subsequent application is for applicants who have applied and benefited from HELB loan.

Eligible applicants for HELB loans are students who qualify to join institutions of higher learning in the country such as universities, colleges, and TVET (Technical and Vocational Education Training) institutes. Both government-sponsored or self-sponsored students in both public and private institutions are qualified to apply for the HELB subsequent loan and get approved.

Higher Education Loans Board, HELB is responsible for awarding loans, bursaries, and scholarships to needy students who are Kenyans.

Type of HELB Loan Application

There are two types of undergraduate loan applications:

Note: The number of loans one is eligible for depends on the program duration. For example, one is given a loan 4 times for a 4-year program or 5 times for a 5-year programme.

How to Register for HELB Subsequent Online Application

Follow these simple steps to create and register an account with Higher Education Loans Board, HELB.

  1. Download HELB App from Google Playstore
  2. Launch the App on your phone
  3. Enter your Mobile Number
  4. A one-time verification code will be sent to both your email and phone number as an SMS. If you don’t see the SMS check your email inbox or the spam box.

Note: If your first attempt requests for a PIN and not a mobile number, PRESS the BACK button on your phone once or restart the app.

  1. Enter the 4-digit verification code you received
  2. Press to Validate
  3. Set your own 4-digit PIN
  4. Enter your First Name, ID number, and Email Address

NB: Do not put all your names in the name field. Only enter the first name appearing on your ID card. Ensure you use the same email address that you used during registration.

  1. Proceed for the display of your details including your Full Name, your KRA PIN, School, Course, and Year of Study

How to Apply for HELB Subsequent Loan Application Online

Here’s a comprehensive step-by-by guide on how to apply for a second or subsequent HELB loan online using your phone.

  1. Open the HELB Mobile App (always updates for the latest version)
  2. Enter your 4-digit PIN
  3. Go to Loans
  4. Select Undergraduate Loans
  5. An option will appear showing all the available loans that you can apply for.
  • For Degree students select the “Undergraduate (UG) Second Subsequent Loan”
  • For Diploma and Certificate students choose the “TVET Subsequent Loan”
  1. Tap the Apply button
  2. Check and update your details

Congratulations!! You will receive a notification saying “Application Received”. You will also receive an SMS with your serial number and the date you applied.

How to Apply for HELB Loan Using USSD Short Code

Applicants can also use the HELB USSD Short Code *642# to apply for subsequent loan via the Higher Education Loans Board. To check the batch and status of the loan access HELB Student Portal.

Applying for a HELB loan is now easy and convenient through your mobile phone.

  1. Dial HELB Short Code *642#
  2. Select Login Option
  3. Enter your PIN to Login
  4. Select the Loan Application
  5. Choose your Application Level (Degree, Diploma, or Certificate)
  6. Select Academic year
  7. Tap on Send

Well done! Your application will be reviewed for approval.

Useful HELB Links

Higher Education Financing | HEF Portal

Universities Fund | UF Portal

HELB Advanced Nursing Education Fund

How to Withdraw HELB Student Loans

HELB Certificate

HELB Online Application Portal

3 Simple Ways to Check Your HELB Loan Disbursement Status Online