The Education Strategic Plan (2018-2030) for the Ministry of Education requires NaCCA Capacity Building and the development of learning standards to support the effective implementation of the Standard-Based Curriculum (SBC ).
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National Council for Curriculum and Assessment (NaCCA)
The National Council for Curriculum and Assessment (NaCCA), an agency of the Ministry responsible for the development of curriculum and assessment standards for pre-tertiary educational institutions, has in line with that directive organized a two-day workshop to equip its technical staff with the requisite knowledge, skills, and competencies to develop learning standards for the Standards-Based Curriculum which was rolled out in September 2019 for KG and Primary Schools in Ghana. The event is being held at the Assessment Unit, NaCCA Annex, Cantonments.
Learning Standards in Education
Preliminary discussions on the first day witnessed subject experts from NaCCA engaged in extensive discussions on what learning standards in education meant and the differences and similarities that existed with the various standard typologies. Participants affirmed that learning and content standards describe what learners should know and be able to do whilst performance standards outline how much the learners should be able to know and demonstrate in measurable terms.
The Learning Standards are in synth with the Content Standards but are concise and specific. Learning Standards do not prescribe how teachers should teach but how learning should be influenced. In addition, participants agreed to the idea of designing a standardized template to guide the development of draft documents by subject panels.
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Subjects Areas
Learning Standards are expected to be developed for the following subjects – Mathematics, English Language, Science, Our World Our People, and Creative Arts for Key Phase 2 (Basic 1 – 3) and subsequently Key Phase 3 (Basic 4 – 6).
Presentations for day one focused on Learning Standards. Key concepts learned were:
- Why the development of learning standards
- How to develop learning standards
- Terminologies/ technical terms used in developing learning standards.
Participants were tasked to do a Desktop review and then report on their findings the next day. This is to help solicit more ideas and concepts in literature.
For day two, a presentation was done on the learning standards sample template based on the literature review. Participants were entreated to do further readings to ensure a comprehensive draft template is adopted for the development process. In addition, defined timelines were presented for the attention of all participants as to when the development process for the learning standards is expected to be completed.
NaCCA is of the view that when this is fully done, it will inevitably help streamline teaching and learning, and support assessment practices in schools.
NaCCA Weekly Lesson Plan- free download
New Standards-Based Curriculum-NaCCA
Teachers Resource Pack- National Council for Curriculum and Assessment
The New Common Core Programme (CCP)
List of Recommended Textbooks for (KG – BASIC 6) – NaCCA