The Registrar General’s Department (RGD) and the Ghana Revenue Authority (GRA) both announced that effective April 1, 2021, the Ghana card Personal Identification Number (Ghana Card PIN) will link onto the Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN) of individuals for tax identification purposes.
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Ghana Card be used as GRA TIN
What this means is that all transactions that require individual TIN will now be carried out with the Ghana Card PIN. This replacement is not immediate – the authorities are giving a transition period from April 1, 2021, to December 31, 2021, within which both TIN and Ghana Card PIN can be used simultaneously. From January 1, 2022, only the Ghana PIN Card will be used.
Why link Ghana Card and TIN number?
This means that you, as a taxpayer, will need to ensure that you have your Ghana Card ready and you get it linked with your TIN. This is particularly important if you operate a sole proprietorship business where you are seen as the business and you do not want this to affect your business operations and engagement with GRA and RGD after the transition period. For instance, filing of tax returns, payment of taxes, clearing of goods, registering, and renewal of business can only be done with a Ghana Card PIN.
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Register for Ghana Card at GRA office
GRA has made available officers at the various GRA locations to register you. You just have to walk in with a valid birth certificate, a valid passport, or a valid certificate of acquired citizenship. You can also go along with the following documents to be linked to your Ghana Card: SSNIT, DVLA (LICENCE), NHIS, PASSPORT, EC (VOTER CARD)
How to link your Ghana Card PIN with GRA TIN
To link your Ghana Card PIN with your TIN, follow these procedures step by step. Do not jump any field as all steps are required.
- visit and follow the steps below.
- Enter your Tax Identification Number: TIN (e.g. P0012345678)
- Enter Your Ghana Card PIN (GHA-123456789-5), Name, and Date of Birth.
- Next, Enter your email address and phone number. (Ensure that the details you provide are accurate)
- Sent an OTP
- Check your email for a 6-digit number
- Enter your OTP in the space provided
- Click Link TIN.
After clicking Link TIN, you will be sent a confirmation message.
Congratulations!!! You have linked your TIN.
How to check your GRA TIN number and Ghana Card linking status
- Visit the web address
- Fill in the required details (TIN and PIN – NIA number)
- Tap send OTP
- Received 6-digit code sent by GRA via email
- Click View Status