Learn to understand your National Student Financial Aid Scheme (NSFAS) application status after checking the progress of your application online. Do you know what your NSFAS application status means? Here’s a details explanation of each status on your NSFAS portal.
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Application Submitted
The application has successfully been loaded onto the NSFAS system.
The system is now verifying your details to establish if you are a returning student and whether you have any previous qualifications or not.
NSFAS is conducting third-party checks with SASSA and the Department of Home Affairs to verify any information you have provided.
Awaiting Evaluation
NSFAS is verifying all the documents you have submitted during your application. If you have any missing documents, you will need to upload them.
Awaiting supporting documents
Applicant needs to upload outstanding documents
Application in progress
NSFAS is awaiting additional information from third parties to finalize the application so that a funding decision can be taken.
Assessing Financial Eligibility
NSFAS is verifying your household financial income that was declared on your application versus the one confirmed by SARS.
Awaiting Academic Results (Admissions)
NSFAS is awaiting your academic results from DHET or your institution to ensure that you have met the progression criteria as outlined in the funding criteria. This normally applies to students who had been previously funded by NSFAS. If you meet the progression criteria your application will be approved.
Provisional Funded (Funding Eligible)
The National Student Financial Aid Scheme (NSFAS) application has passed all stages and based on the information received you qualify for funding. At this stage, your institution should/ can load registration data so that you can start receiving your allowances.
Application Unsuccessful (Rejected)
This means that your application was unsuccessful due to you not meeting one or more of the NSFAS criteria for funding. You should then submit an appeal if you think that this is incorrect.
National Student Financial Aid Scheme allowances are now being processed using the NSFAS payment channels.
The application has been withdrawn by the applicant.