UC Canvas Canopy

UC Canvas Canopy

Discover University of Cincinnati – UC Canvas a Learning Management System (LMS) and login with your email address and password. UC Students use canvas canopy to access courses, submit assignments and quizzes, view grades, as well as allow instructors to communicate with students about course activities and post interesting course-related topics.

About UC Canvas Canopy

UC Canvas (accessed via Canopy) is a teaching tool. This tool allows faculty to give students access to class materials. Canopy classes are available after the instructor makes the information available to the entire class. Depending on when a student registers, it may take 24–48 hours for the Canvas class to appear for a student.

In rare circumstances, instructors will manually grant an individual student access to view the Canvas class. Since registration does not happen in Canvas, this does not mean that a student is officially registered via Catalyst. Faculty cannot register students in UC Catalyst.

This Canvas Quick Guide is for students who want to learn how to use canvas. The purpose of this guide is to help students quickly familiarize themselves with the University of Cincinnati Canvas Portal.

How to Access UC Canvas

Here’s how to access and login to the University of Cincinnati (UC) Canvas

  1. Go to UC Website
  2. Scroll down the home page
  3. Tap on Canvas and Catalyst Under UC Tools

How to Login to UC Canvas Canopy

Follow these step-by-step guides to login to the portal

  1. Access Canvas
  2. Enter your Username and Password
  3. Tap on the login button

Forgot your password?

To reset your password, here’s the right place to manage and reset your password.

UC Contact Details

University of Cincinnati

2600 Clifton Ave.

Cincinnati, OH 45221


Email: IT@UC Service Desk

513-556-HELP(4357) or 866-397-3382