The Latest Status Update on Kenya Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission (IEBC) General Election Results Form 34As and 34Bs.
IEBC to Announce Final Kenya Presidential Election Results Today
Table of Contents
Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission (IEBC)
The Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission (IEBC) appreciates Kenyans for the patience they continue to exhibit as it collates and tallies results. In addition, it is grateful to the media for reporting the General Election results.
The Commission signed a Memorandum of Understanding with Kenya Media Sector Working Group (KMSWG) on 4 March 2022. One of the areas of collaboration is providing comprehensive and objective coverage of the electoral process, tallying, and transmission of results.
In the spirit of transparency, the Commission gave media access to polling stations, tallying centers and the results portal to report the progress of election results in real-time.
The original intention was for the various media houses to join hands and have a consortium through KMSWG to report on the progress of election results in real-time from one source. However, the media houses opted to do it independently, decisions beyond the Commission’s control.
IEBC Briefing Reports
The IEBC takes note that the tallies across the media vary and appreciate that this may be attributed to the following:
- Each is accusing the public portal of the results forms at different times, and
- Each is using its criteria and sequencing among others.
However, the final announcement and declaration of the Presidential result will be done by the Presidential Returning Officer.
The Commission has ensured 100 percent availability round the clock of the results portal to guarantee transparency.
IEBC Results Transmission of Form 34A
The IEBC Results transmission of form 34A from the polling stations is ongoing as you can see on the screens, and it is now at 99.82 percent from 46,146 out of 46.229 polling stations.
All results including those in areas that used the manual voter register in Makueni County (Kibwezi West constituency) for 84 polling stations, Kakamega County (Malava, Matungu, Mumias West and Mumias East constituencies) for 154 polling stations were electronically transmitted through KIEMS kits, except for Malave Constituency where only two polling stations are yet to transmit.
Collating and announcement of results in a majority of the Constituencies is complete and Returning Officers have now started to physically deliver IEBC form 34As and 34Bs to the National Tallying Centre.
IEBC National Tallying Centre
At the National Tallying Centre, the following activities are taking place
- Verification of transmitted image of results Form 34As against original Form 34As by Verification of constituency Form 34s against their respective original Form 34As
- Collation of Form 34C and confirmation of Constitutional threshold of 50 percent plus one vote and 25 percent of majority counties and declaration of Presidential results.
Login IEBC Public Portal to check live streaming of election results 2022
The law requires that the Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission (IEBC) undertakes verification of the Presidential election results and declares the President-elect within seven (7) days after the Presidential Election.
However, the Commission shall endeavor to conclude this exercise at the earliest possible. Therefore calls for patience from Kenyans as it undertakes its mandate.