Teachers Portal Ghana Login Guides – tpg.ntc.gov.gh

Teachers Portal Ghana Login Guides – tpg.ntc.gov.gh

Discover Teachers Portal Ghana – TPG and learn how to login, register for an NTC teacher licence, apply for a registered number online, navigate via the dashboard, and make payment. Know more about NTC CPD and learn how to build your portfolio.

Teachers Portal Ghana Registration

All teachers in Ghana are to register on the NTC teacher portal to gain access to continuous professional development programs, build their portfolios, and manage their licenses online. This can be accomplished by performing the following actions.

How to Login TPG

  1. Go to Teacher Portal Ghana – tpg.ntc.gov.gh login to check all steps and requirement for registration
  2. Complete the registration form and click the Register button. Refer to these notes for assistance.
  3. Check your email address for a confirmation link. Click “Complete Registration” to verify your email address.

NTC Request for Proposal to Evaluate Licensure Examination (GTLE)

Teachers Portal Ghana Create your TPG Account

Check NTC Exams Results: May 2021 Ghana Teacher Licensure Examination

Teachers Portal Ghana Login Registration Form

  • You must ensure that all information provided is accurate and belongs to you. The platform will send you confirmation messages, important notices, and reminders via email and SMS to the email address and telephone number submitted.
  • All form fields are required: except for “Other names”, all the fields are required. Registration cannot be submitted when a required field is omitted.
  • Account type: there are two account types available to users; Teacher and Organization account. Make sure “Teacher” is selected under account type.
  • Password: your account security is of the highest importance to us. As such your password must satisfy the following criteria:
  1. The characters must be at least six (6) long
  2. It must contain at least one (1) letter
  3. At least it must contain one (1) number
  4. It must not be the same as your telephone number

NB: Passwords are case-sensitive. Thus “teacher” and “Teacher” are different.

How to Login Teachers Portal Ghana

After successfully creating an account through registration, you can access your account by logging in as follows:

  1. Go to tpg.ntc.gov.gh/account/login
  2. Complete the login form and click the Login button

NB: Anytime you login into a new device, a One-Time Password (OTP) is sent to your email address as a security measure to prevent unauthorized access to your account. Check your email and enter a code to continue.
Teachers Portal Ghana Login

How to Reset TPG Account Password

  • In the event, you forget your password click the “Need help logging in?” link on the login form under the Login button.
  • You will be presented with two options; “Email password reset” and “One-time password (OTP)
  • If you remember your email address, select the first option and enter your email address to receive instructions on how to login
  • If you have forgotten or lost access to your email address, select the second option and enter your telephone number to receive a code to log in to your account.

How to reset forget password and who should register for license number

Teachers Portal Ghana Reset Password

Requirements for setting up teacher profile

On your first login into your account, you have to set up your teacher profile. Below are some tips for this process:
Profile setup is divided into seven (7) phases. These are:

  1. Identification information
  2. Personal information
  3. Passport picture upload
  4. Document upload
  5. Academic history setup
  6. Employment history setup
  7. Licence setup

Note also:

  • The phases can be filled in any order.
  • All information is saved once entered and you can stop and continue at any time.
  • You can view your profile progression to see which fields are required to complete the setup by clicking on the bottom menu of the web page.
  • Your passport picture must have a WHITE background and must be a JPG, JPEG, or PNG image.

How to Make Payment for Teacher Licence

Once you have completed filling in the forms, you will have to make your payment for the licence to finalize the application.

Follow these steps to make your licence payment

  1. Click “Setup Teacher Licence”. You will be directed to our payment gateway where you can make payments with mobile money or a debit/credit card.
  2. After your payment is confirmed, you will be sent an email with a receipt for the payment. Please print a copy of this receipt for your reference.
  3. Your account is now pending activation and you will be notified via SMS and email when your account is activated after your document is validated.

 Licence Payment

NTC Teacher Portal Login Dashboard

The dashboard is the main hub of activity in the teacher portal. You can view your licence details, recommended training courses, training programs by service providers, training records, INSETs, manage your portfolio, and update your profile. On the right of your dashboard is “My CPD Plan” where you can add training courses you plan to take within the three years.
Teachers Portal Ghana login dashboard

what are some of the details on my licence ID cards?

Your licence details are available on your license card is also available on your dashboard. On the left is your passport picture and on the right are four (4) fields:

Licence holder: This is the full name of the licence holder.

Licence number: This number is generated when your account is activated and is both your registered number and licence number. It is in the format TT/XXXXXX/YY; where TT is the type of teacher you are -either professional (PT) or non-professional (NPT), XXXXXX is your serial number and YY is the earliest year you completed academic/professional qualification.

Issue date: This is the date your licence is issued.

Expiry date: This is the date after which your licence is invalid. It is automatically set to two years after your issue date.
 licence ID cards

Training Courses Recommended by NTC for Teachers in Ghana

Training courses are courses recommended by NTC for teachers. There are two types of training courses; mandatory courses for all ranks and rank-based mandatory courses. All mandatory courses have the same CPD credit points. All rank-based mandatory courses have the same CPD credit point for each rank (i.e. training courses for Rank 1 all have the same CPD point). Every teacher is advised to take three (3) mandatory training courses in a four-year cycle.

Click “View” on a training course to see the available service providers providing the training and to register.

NTC Courses

Training Courses

Training courses are courses recommended by NTC for teachers. We have two types of training courses; mandatory courses for all ranks and rank-based mandatory courses.

Click “View” on a training course to see the available service providers providing the training and to register.

Teachers Portal Ghana Training Courses

Training Program Page

Training Program Page
On the training program page, you are presented with the full details of the training program in nine sections. The sections are “About this course”, “Target audience”, “Attendance”, “What you will learn”, “Evaluation”, “Dates”, “Venue”, “Modules” and “Sponsors”. Under venue, click “View on map” to get the venue location on Google Maps. Click “Register” at the top right to register for the training program. After you register, you can unregister for the training program by clicking “Unregister”, at the position you clicked “Register

Training records

You can view your training records and download your certificate of attendance for each training course or program attended. Click “View” on a record to see all details for that record. The status of the record is also indicated.
Training Records Click
If you haven’t registered for any training programs, your training records will be empty. On the portal below there is one training record available. Each record has three features on it.
Click “View” for more details on your training record.
Teacher Portal Ghana Training Records

Terminal INSETs

All teaching staff is mandated to undertake terminal In-Service Education and Training. INSETs records are processed by your headteacher or regional director (if you are an SHS Head).
There are three types of INSETs; School-Based INSET (SBI), Cluster-Based INSET (CBI), and Department-Based INSET (DBI). Each INSET record view has two features on it as shown below:
Teachers Portal Ghana In-Service Teachers
INSET records can only be processed in a month. This means all school heads or regional directors have a month at the end of each term to process INSET records for their staff.
Teacher Portal Ghana Terminal insets

Manage Portfolio

Your portfolio contributes to your license renewal. Under your portfolio, you fulfill the evidence criteria of the teaching standards
Teacher Portal Ghana Change Portfolio
You can upload anything on your portfolio. To get started, click at the bottom right of the portfolio page.
Enter your record title in the dialogue presented and click “Save”. The portfolio record page is created and presented to you.
Teachers Portal Ghana Create New Portfolio Record

Manage Profile

You can make updates to your profile. Only your contact information can be updated without verifiable proof.
Teachers Portal Ghana Profile
For all other information, you will have to upload proof of change which will be approved before the changes are effected.
Teacher Portal Ghana Manage Profile

Logging out

To ensure your account is secured at all times, always remember to log out from the portal when done with your session.
On the portal, you can click your image at the top right and click “Logout” on the drop-down menuTeachers Portal Ghana Logout

7 Simple Steps to Register for Teachers License and Registration Number

Register Now


In this article, all your NTC-related issues have been addressed including; Staff ID and SSNIT number verification, registered number pending approval, Teacher Portal Ghana login, forgetting password or email, guidelines for registration, training courses recommended by NTC, how to create a new portfolio, manage teacher profile, in-service education and training and many more. After following these procedures carefully, if the problem still exists, then forward your Payslip and SSNIT ID card via [email protected] and expect a response in 48 hours.

Thank you for visiting our website. please, let us know about your experience with our website via the comment section below. We will be glad to hear from you.

Credit: National Teaching Council

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