SASSA introduces biometric identification to combat fraud

SASSA introduces biometric identification to combat fraud

In a bid to fortify the integrity and security of the social grant distribution process, the South African Social Security Agency (SASSA) has implemented a biometric identity verification system. This initiative serves as a safeguard to reduce the risk of social grant fraud.

The verification process is primarily aimed at the selected categories of COVID-19 SRD clients:

  • Clients who wish to modify their existing mobile numbers or banking details initially provided to SASSA. Such modifications will be accepted only upon successful completion of biometric verification.
  • Clients suspected of identity theft or those who have been victims of such crimes may also be required to undergo biometric identification. To curb fraud, SASSA is collaborating closely with other industry stakeholders.

In instances where any of the above situations have been identified or have occurred, SASSA may mandate these clients to undergo compulsory electronic identity verification to secure their grant application and payment. This initiative is also aimed at eliminating fraudulent social grant applications.

To complete the electronic identity verification process, clients will require:

  • A smartphone or computer equipped with a high-quality camera.
  • A stable Wi-Fi or mobile data internet connection.
  • A well-lit environment where they are the only person in the picture.

It’s important to note that COVID-19 SRD applications are processed exclusively online. Similar to the application process, this is a one-time activity to unblock an account or make a ‘high-risk’ change to a client’s profile.

Verification Process Details: SASSA will provide detailed instructions on the process when the affected client interacts with SASSA for their transaction of interest.

Clients who do not complete the biometric identity verification may have their grants suspended. We assure our clients that the agency is committed to their safety and this process will not disrupt any other client not listed in the categories referenced above.

  • For further clarity and social grant-related inquiries, clients are encouraged to contact our customer care at 0800 60 10 11.

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