Access the latest Penn State University – PSU academic calendar and download the full PDF online. Here, Penn State students find important dates on the university academic calendar such as spring semester, summer session, fall semester, classes begin, commencement, holidays, spring break, classes end, drop, late drop, add, withdrawal, and final exams date.
Pennsylvania State University (PSU) Academic Calendar
The Pennsylvania State University academic calendar, shows key academic dates including the first day of classes, deadlines to add and drop classes, final exam days, holiday schedules, and more.
Check out our comprehensive guide on how to access, download PDF, and view PSU academic calendar online. Students can view their exam schedule in PSU Lion PATH.
How to Access Penn State Academic Calendar Online
To access and download or view the Pennsylvania State University academic calendar, here’s a simple step to follow.
- Go to Penn State Website
- Navigate to the right corner
- Tap on the “More” tab
- Select Academic Calendar from the drop-down menu
- Move to PSU Registrar, follow link to academic calendar