Explore the GTLE Ghana PortaPrep Examination platform designed by the National Teaching Council – NTC where Ghana Teachers can Register (Create a new account) and Login with their Email address and Password to take Free Tests as well as access NTC Licensure Exams Past Questions.
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About GTLE Ghana PortaPrep
The Ghana Teacher Licensure Examination, GTLE, is the credentialing examination of the National Teaching Council, NTC, for pre-tertiary teachers in Ghana. Every successful candidate in the examination receives the Professional Teacher’s Licence, which testifies to the world that the holder has met all the standards for the profession. Those standards include the knowledge, values, attitudes and skills necessary to facilitate learning by learners in the pre-tertiary educational institutions of Ghana. Possession of the licence is evidence of professional standing and authorization for teaching in Ghana.
The credentialing examination is an assessment of every teacher who has completed their initial training at a college of education or a teacher training university against the National Teachers’ Standards. The National Teachers’ Standards are concise statements of what teachers ought to know, be, and be able to do; their purpose is to improve the quality of teachers’ delivery and students’ performance.
Every beginning teacher must apprise themselves of the contents of the requirements and expectations of the standards and understand that they provide the framework for their future professional and career development. If the trainee teacher understands that the standards underpin what they learn while in college, they will realize that every class attendance, the action of learning, and field experience during their pre-service training is a preparatory event for this capstone examination towards full professionalization.
The examination tests the proficiency of the trained teacher in essential professional skills and their literacy in English grammar, essay writing, and comprehension. It also assesses the teacher’s understanding and use of basic computational skills for everyday purposes.
How to Access the GTLE PortaPrep Portal
- Browse the URL: https://gtleghana.com/
- Navigate and Tap Register
- Create an account as a Normal Users OR Corporate Account
- Fill in the registration form with the following details
- First and Last Name
- Email Address
- Mobile Number
- Password and re-enter to confirm password
- Date of Birth
- Region/District/Town
- Enter College of Education Attended
- Tick to accept Terms & Conditions
- Tap Submit Button
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Login NTC GTLEGhana PortaPrep Portal
- Visit: https://gtleghana.com/user/login
- Enter your Email Address and Password ( Tap on forget password?)
- Tap Submit Button
How to take NTC PortaPrep Free Tests
- Visit the PortaPrep Website: https://gtleghana.com/
- Navigate and Tap Free Tests
- Answer the QUIZ OF THE DAY and check the explanations of your choice
- Select your preferred subject area;
- Essential Skills
- Literacy Skills
- Numeracy Skills
- Read the instruction
- Tap Start Test
NTC GTLE Ghana Contact
Send Message
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- Join our Telegram Channel Below the Page.