The National Teaching Council (NTC) Continuous Professional Development (CPD) of teachers plays an integral role in improving learning outcomes in schools. Teachers’ continuing professional development (TCPD Framework) has become a major focus within the school reform and school improvement literature because of the belief that student learning and success are due, in large part, to the effectiveness of teachers (OECD, 2009)
The National Teaching Council (NTC) has outlined a total of twenty-one (21) Mandatory CPD Courses for all In-Service Teachers in the Ghana Education Service (GES).
According to NTC, each course carries five (5) CPD points. Every teacher is expected to select and attend training on three of the under-listed courses within the three years CPD cycle.
The expected mode of training includes PLC (CBI or SBI) and CoP (DBI or Duty Based Training) or Demand-driven training.
Table of Contents
The 21 Mandatory CPD Courses for all in-Service Teachers
Each course carries 5 CPD points. Every teacher is expected to select and attend training on three of the under-listed courses within the three years CPD cycle.
- National Policy on Education
- History of Education in Ghana
- Teacher Education in Ghana: Past, Present, and Future
- Sociology of Education
- Professionalization of Teaching in Ghana
- Citizenship Education
- Education Law (Act)
- Educational Psychology
- Guidance and Counselling
- Curriculum Development
- Instructional Methods
- Information and Communication Technology
- Instructional Communication, Language and Communication Skills
- Classroom-Based Assessment
- Action Research and Reflective Practice
- Educational Leadership and Management
- Professional Ethics
- Education of Persons with Special Needs/Inclusive Education
- Subject Content and Methodology (e.g. challenging topics)
- Micro Teaching/Teaching Practicum/mentoring practices
- Social Dialogue.
The expected mode of training includes PLC (CBI or SBI) and CoP (DBI or Duty Based Training) or Demand-driven training.
Rank-based training topics for in-service teachers in Ghana
Teachers should however note that for a particular rank, all topics must be completed in a CPD cycle of 3years.
- Use of reflective logs in teaching
- Motivation for self-directed study and needs
- Assessment for professional planning and growth
- Teaching and learning strategies- creative approaches, group work, questioning, talk for learning.
- ICT integration in teaching and learning.
- Mentoring and coaching skills
- Leadership for learning skills
- Demonstrating understanding of school improvement plans and budgeting.
- Guidance and Counselling skills for supporting students
- Report writing
- Examination item writing and management
- School curriculum policy development and reviews
- Building partnership in community learning
- Supporting the use of learning resources including emerging technologies
- Supporting and engaging in collaborative learning for professional development
- Team building for school improvement
- School leadership qualities and skills
- Integrating ICT and other technologies in school administration and governance
- Leadership for learning
- Conflict resolution at school and district levels
- Proposal writing for school support
- Clinical supervision in schools
- Promoting teacher motivation for improved quality education
- Basic principles in the planning, data collection, and management
- Demonstrating understanding of roles of local government policies in education
- Knowledge of procurement laws
- Knowledge of GES and MOE organograms and working principles
- EMIS data interpretation and knowledge of its implications for school improvement
- Policy development and reviews at school, district, regional and national levels
- Change management skills (Leadership for Change)
- Team building for wider organizational development
- Strategic planning and management in education
- Communication skills (oral and written) for dealing with policymakers and writing policy documents and memoranda
- Time management skills
- Principles and practice of stakeholder partnership relationships
- Demonstrating understanding of labor laws and working with trade unions
- Knowledge of financial regulations
- Public policy formulation and promoting social accountability in the education sector
- Principles of dialogue and negotiation ix. Educational projects and programmes management
- Time and stress management (balancing work and pleasure)
- Planning, monitoring, and evaluation in sustainable development in education
- Stakeholder analyses and roles development
- Implementing Quality Assurance and Accreditation systems in education
Why do we need CPD providers
The benefits of teachers’ active participation in CPD are immense for employers as they are for the education system.
Continuous Professional Development (CPD) is the benchmark and primary condition for teachers to remain fit to discharge their duties many years after initial training. Therefore, supporting CPD for teachers implies empowering them to render unmatched services to both the organization and humanity.
On the other hand, depriving teachers of PD opportunity amounts to stifling their productivity and promoting dishonesty in the profession.
To make it easy for teachers to access professional development programmes, NTC shall certify private individuals or organizations who meet the laid down criteria of CPD service providers to send the training to the doorsteps of teachers.
How to become a certified NTC facilitator
In addition to the accredited CPD Service Providers, there shall be accredited and certified facilitators who shall register with an identified service provider or the National Teaching Council.
The duties of these facilitators shall be mainly to lead discussions as well as the transfer of skills and knowledge during CPD programmes. There shall be Category “A” facilitators (Associate facilitators AF) and Category “B” referred to as; and Independent Facilitator (IF)
Associate facilitator
An Associate facilitator is the kind of facilitator who is registered by Service Providers to solely assist such an attached accredited service provider. The A2F shall render service(s) to only the attached Service Provider that sought accreditation for the said facilitator.
The service provider on behalf of any person who wishes to be registered as an associate facilitator shall provide the following requirements for accreditation and certification:
- Full name of the proposed facilitator
- Valid address
- Academic and professional qualifications
- Valid certificates.
- Evidence of not less than 5 years of working experience.
- Evidence of Training History of training
- Brief report on facilitation competencies with relevant certificates
- Proficiency in Microsoft office suite.
Independent Facilitator (Autonomous Accredited Facilitator-A2F)
An Independent Facilitator is the kind of facilitator who is registered directly with the National Teaching Council (NTC) and renders services to any service provider that needs the expertise of such a facilitator.
- Full name of the proposed facilitator
- Valid address
- Academic and professional qualifications
- Valid certificates.
- Evidence of not less than 5 years of working experience.
- Evidence of Training History of training
- Brief report on facilitation competencies with relevant certificates
- Proficiency in Microsoft office suite
Registration Fees
- Associate Facilitators (AF) ———-GH¢ 200
- Accredited Autonomous Facilitators (A2F) ———GH¢ 2,000
Facilitators will be required to pay 50% of their registration fee as an annual subscription fee to renew their status. Failure to renew the accreditation status within three months of expiration is considered as fresh registration and shall attract payment of registration fee at that time.
- There shall be a mandatory orientation workshop for AF and A2F every six months.
- These workshops would be delivered through the interpersonal interface or virtual mode. The training contents shall base on reports compiled from monitoring and evaluation reports of accredited CPD programmes organized within a six (6) month period.
- Participants will be required to register as paid participants for the training and failure to comply attracts withdrawal of accreditation.
- In addition to these mandatory training, the National Teaching Council shall, from time to time advertise to the general public for interested persons to register and be trained as CPD programs facilitators.
It is an offense for:
- An organization to engage the services of a non-accredited facilitator
- An organization to engage the services of persons with an invalid facilitator status
- An individual to facilitate at PD sessions without accreditation
- An individual to facilitate with an invalid accreditation status
Persons certified by NTC as accredited facilitators shall have their names published on the NTC TPG portal. Teachers who attain facilitators’ status shall have additional points recorded on the portal for any training they facilitate.
How to become an accredited NTC CPD provider
Teachers who need NTC CPD accreditation must complete the application template attached and submit the following in support of your application.
- A broad outline of the curriculum for NTC CPD activities that indicate:
- Target group
- Competences to acquire at the end of the training and their relevance to the teacher
- How much training can improve learners’ achievement score
- Training manual (s)/module(s) that specify (ies):
- Topics of Units and their respective Sessions
- Topical and sessional objectives
- Content for the teacher
- Duty specific related activities preferably, in case studies and scenarios
- Topical and sessional reflections for the trainees
- Self-assessment questions
- Profile of all facilitators.
- Relevant credentials of all facilitators.
- Indicate your target group (eg. Teachers in Rank 1, Rank 2, or all Ranks)
- State the facilities available for the presentation of PD activities (Lecture rooms etc).
- State the method of recording and keeping attendance (Teacher’s INSET Logbook is mandatory in addition to our digital register for teachers).
- Attach a copy of the proposed attendance register.
- Attach a copy of the attendance certificate that will be provided on completion of the activity.
- State the method to be used for obtaining feedback or evaluation of the programme.
- Specify the intended mechanism for monitoring attendance and active participation (per hour or session) for the duration of the activity.
- State the organizations/institution’s involvement or experience in teacher professional development.
- Complete the declaration template.
I ………………………………………………………… agree to:
- exercise integrity and ethical behavior in the allocation of credit points for learning activities,
- record the name, professional registration number, and the credit hours for every participant at each PD activity,
- validate participant’s attendance for the entire event,
- provide participants with attendance certificate or evidence of completion of CPD activity,
- submit an annual report on activities undertaken to NTC and GES,
- Safeguard the records for at least two (2) years, be subjected to quality assurance checks as may be deemed necessary by the NTC from time to time.
- Attend Annual Review Meetings with Stakeholders to ensure compliance and quality delivery.
Name: …………………………….
Sign: ……………………………….
Role in the organization: ………………………….
Useful Links
Teachers Portal Ghana Login Guides –
NTC GTLE Ghana PortaPrep Portal
Explore NTC Moodle Portal Online Learning Platform
Login NTC Teachers Portal and Activate Pending Account