NOCEN Post-UTME Screening Registration Form

NOCEN Post-UTME Screening Registration Form

Explore the Nwafor Orizu College of EducationNOCEN Post-UTME/DE Screening Registration Form and login with your credentials via to complete an online application form. Before applying, all candidates must know the NOCEN Post-UTME 2024: Cut-off mark, Eligibility, Reqiurement, Screening date, and Registration Details.

NOCEN Post-UTME Eligibility

  1. Candidates who chose NOCEN as their first choice institution and have attained the required cutoff marks are eligible to apply.
  2. Those who did not initially select NOCEN but have achieved the eligible cutoff marks can also apply after changing their first choice of institution to NOCEN.
  3. Candidates aiming for degree programmes must have a cutoff mark of 160 and above. They should select NOCEN (in Affiliation with the University of Nigeria, Nsukka) in their change of Institution.
  4. Candidates aiming for NCE Programmes with a cutoff mark between 100 and 159 should select only NOCEN in their change of Institution.

How to Access the NOCEN Post-UTME Form

Below is a comprehensive guide to accessing the Nwafor Orizu College of Education Post UTME Screening Registration Form

  1. Visit the NOCEN Website
  2. Locate the Navigation Tap on top of the Website Homepage
  3. Locate and Tap on Admission
  4. Under Admission, Tap on NCE to proceed

How to Apply for NOCEN Post-UTME Form

Follow this comprehensive step to apply for the Post UTME Screening Registration Form at the Nwafor Orizu College of Education.

  1. Access the NOCEN Post-UTME Portal via
  2. For NCE candidates, tap ‘Apply Now
  3. Follow the Fill in Registration page and Enter your UTME REG Number, a valid email address, PHONE NUMBER, and OTHER required information, then submit.
  4. Once submitted, a confirmation email will be sent to you immediately.
  5. Open your email and Confirm using the link sent to the email.
  6. Once confirmed, it will bring you back to nocen portal site, where you continue by logging in with your email.
  7. Once logged in, the Remita payment (RRR) will be generated.
  8. The candidates are advised to print out the RRR (Remita) page and quickly proceed to any bank of their choice nationwide to pay.
  9. Login to the portal with your email and verify your payment by taping on the ‘Verify payment’ box
  10. Once the confirmation for the payment is successful, you can proceed to the Next Stage.
  11. Tap On the arrow back button under the Verified Status message. Then tap on “Apply” to continue with the registration.
  12. Fill out the application form. You can save each stage of the application and continue later.
  13. After careful registration, tap on the ‘Submit’ button.
  14. Once submitted, it will bring you to a new page to print out your Application Form Slip.

How to Login to NOCEN Student Portal

Here are the step-by-step ways to login into the Nwafor Orizu College of Education Student Portal

  1. Check out the NOCEN Student Portal
  2. Enter your Registration Number
  3. Provide your Password
  4. Tap on the Login Button to Proceed

Contact Details

Address: Nwafor Orizu College of Education, Nsugbe, Anambra State, Nigeria.

Phone: +234 701 479 0801, +234 703 103 3232