Explore the list of courses/programmes offered at Maseno University, MU as well as their general requirements or academic units 2024/2025 and find out the fee structure and access the MU Online Admission Portal.
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List of Courses Offered at the Maseno University, MU
Maseno University, MU offers various graduate, postgraduate, diploma, and certificate courses and programmes under different departments and faculty. The Maseno University, MU, is among the Top Universities in Kenya.
MU Undergraduate Programme/Courses
Here is the list of Undergraduate Programme/Courses available at MU
School of Agriculture & Food Security
- BSc. (Horticulture, with IT)
- BSc. (Agribusiness Management, with IT)
- BSc. (Animal Science, with IT)
- BSc. (Agronomy, with IT)
- BSc. (Soil Science and Plant Nutrition, with IT)
- BSc. (Agricultural Economics, with IT)
- BSc. (Fisheries & Aquaculture, with IT)
- BSc. (Agricultural Education & Extension, with IT)
- BSc. (Aquatic Resources Conservation & Development, with IT)
School of Arts & Social Sciences
- BA. (with IT)
- BA. (Drama & Theatre Studies, with IT)
- BA. (Sociology & Anthropology, with IT)
- BA. (Communication & Media Technology, with IT)
- BA. (Music, with IT)
- BA. (Textile, Apparel Design & Fashion Merchandising, with IT)
- BA. (Interior Design, with IT)
- BA. (Criminology, with IT)
- BA. (Theology, with IT)
- BA. (Religion, with IT)
- Bachelor of Psychology (with IT)
- BA. (Fine Art, with IT)
- BA. (French, with IT)
- BA. (English, with IT)
- BA. (Literature, with IT)
- BA. (Kiswahili, with IT)
- BA. (History and Archaeology, with IT)
- BA. (Language and Communication, with IT)
- BA. (Gender and Development, with IT)
School of Physical & Biological Sciences
- BSc. (Basic Science, with IT)
- BSc. (Analytical Chemistry, with IT)
- BSc. (Botany, with IT)
- BSc. (Physics, with IT)
- BSc. (Industrial Chemistry, with IT)
School of Business & Economics (SBE)
- Bachelor of Business Administration (with IT)
- BA. (Economics, with IT)
- BSc. (Accounting and Finance, with IT )
- BSc. (Marketing Management, with IT)
- BSc. (Human Resource Management, with IT)
- BSc. (Applied Economics, with IT )
- BSc. (Hotel and Institution Management, with IT)
- BSc. (Travel and Tourism Management, with IT)
- BSc. (Ecotourism Hotel and Institution Management, with IT)
- BSc. (Finance and Economics, with IT)
- BSc. (Economics and Statistics, with IT)
- Bachelor of Business Entrepreneurship (with IT)
- Bachelor of Procurement and Supply Chain Management
- Bachelor of Business Information Technology
School of Computing & Informatics
- BSc. (Information Technology)
- BSc. (Computer Science)
- BSc. (Information and Communication Technology Management)
- BSc. (Computer Technology)
- BSc. (Information Systems)
School of Development & Strategic Studies
- BA. (Political Science, with IT)
- BA. (International Relations & Diplomacy, with IT)
- BA. (Development Studies, with IT)
School of Education
- B.Ed. (Arts, with IT)
- B.Ed. (Science, with IT)
- B.Ed. (Primary Education, with IT)
- B.Ed. (Early Childhood Development and Education, with IT)
- B.Ed. (Music, with IT),
- B.Ed. (French, with IT)
- B.Ed. (Home Science, with IT)
School of Environment & Earth Sciences
- BSc. (Environmental Science, with IT)
- BSc. (Earth Science, with IT)
- BSc. (Geography & Natural Resource Management, with IT)
- BSc. (Climate Change and Development, with IT)
School of Mathematics, Statistics & Actuarial Science
- BSc. (Mathematical Sciences, with IT)
- BSc. (Actuarial Science, with IT)
- BSc. (Applied Statistics, with IT)
- BSc. (Mathematics & Computer Science)
- BSc. (Mathematics & Economics, with IT)
- BSc. (Mathematics & Business Studies, with IT)
School of Planning & Architecture
- BA. (Urban & Regional Planning, with IT)
- BA. (Disaster Management, with IT)
- BSc. (Geospatial Information Science, with IT)
School of Public Health & Community Development
- BSc. (Nutrition & Dietetics, with IT)
- BSc. (Medical Biotechnology, with IT)
- BSc. (Public Health, with IT)
- BSc. (Health Records and Information Management)
- BSc. (Health Systems Management, with IT)
School of Medicine
- Bachelor of Medicine & Bachelor of Surgery (with IT)
- BSc. (Medical Laboratory Science, with IT)
- BSc. (Biochemistry, with IT)
- Bachelor of Business Administration (with IT)
- BSc. (Actuarial Science, with IT)
- BSc. (Applied Statistics, with IT)
- BSc. (Mathematics and Business Studies, with IT)
- BSc. (Mathematical Sciences, with IT)
- Bachelor of Procurement and Supply Chain Management
MU Certificate Programmes/Courses
Here is the list of certificate Programme/Courses available at MU
School of Arts & Social Sciences
- Theology
- Religion
- Journalism and Mass Media
- Social Work
- Public Relations
- Film & Theatre Studies
- Music
- Music Production & Technology
- Textile Design
- Fine Art
- Fashion Design & Accessories
- Interior Design
- Theatre for Development
- French 1 (Level A1), French 2 (Level A2), French 3 (Level B1), and French 4 (Level B2)
- Gender and Development
School of Physical & Biological Sciences
- Certificate in Hospitality and Tourism
School of Business & Economics
- Business Administration
- Sales and Marketing
- Human Resource Management
- Purchasing and Supplies Management
- Hospitality and Tourism operations (4 Semesters)
School of Computing and Informatics
- Information Technology
School of Development & Strategic Studies
- Public Administration
- Community Development
School of Education
- Guidance and Counselling
- Special and Inclusive Education
School of Mathematics, Statistics & Actuarial Science
- Basic Statistics (stats)
School of Planning & Architecture
- Geographical Information Systems (GIS)
- Certificate in Basic Statistics (eStats)
- Certificate in Bridging Mathematics
MU Diploma Programmes/Courses
Here is the list of Diploma Programme/Courses available at MU
School of Agriculture & Food Security
- Plant Genetics Resources & Biodiversity
School of Arts & Social Sciences
- Religion
- Journalism and Mass Media
- Social Work
- Literature
- Conflict Resolution and Peace Building
- Film Studies
- Criminology
- Church Music
- Film & Theatre Studies
- Music
- Music Production & Technology
- Textile Design
- Fine Art
- Interior Design
- Fashion Design & Accessories
- French 1 (Level C1)
- Public Relations
- Theology
- Gender and Development
School of Physical & Biological Sciences
- Diploma in Hospitality Management
- Diploma in Travel & Tourism Management
School of Business & Economics (SBE)
- Business Administration
- Purchasing and Supplies Management
- Human Resource Management
- Hospitality Management (6 Semesters)
- Travel & Tourism Management (6 Semesters)
School of Computing & Informatics
- Information Technology
- Information and Communication Technology
School of Development & Strategic Studies
- Public Administration
- Community Development
School of Education
- Special & Inclusive Education
- Guidance and Counselling
School of Mathematics, Statistics & Actuarial Science
- Actuarial Science
- Applied Statistics
School of Public Health & Community Development
- Community Health and Development
School of Planning & Architecture
- Urban Management
- Monitoring and Evaluation
- Education
MU Masters Programmes/Courses
Explore the list of Master Programme/courses available at MU
School of Agriculture & Food Security
- Horticulture
- Animal Science
- Agronomy
- Soil Science
- Genetics and Plant Breeding
- Agribusiness Management
- Agricultural Economics
- Fisheries and Aquaculture
- Agricultural Extension
School of Arts & Social Sciences
- Applied Linguistics
- Theoretical Linguistics
- Linguistics
- Kiswahili
- Literature
- History
- Music Composition
- Fashion Merchandising
- Textile & Apparel Design
- Social Development & Management
- Anthropology
- Communication & Media Studies
- French
- Music Performance
Ethnomusicology - Music Education
- Theatre and Film
- Interior Design
- Religion
- Theology
- Philosophy
- Sociology
- Industrial-Organizational Psychology
- Criminology
- Counselling Psychology
- Gender and Development
- Social Policy
School of Physical & Biological Sciences
- Microbiology
- Plant Taxonomy and Economic Botany
- Cell & Molecular Biology
- Molecular Microbiology & Biotechnology
- Applied Entomology
- Conservation Biology
- Applied Parasitology & Vector Biology
- Physics
- Physics (School-Based)
- Chemistry
- Plant Physiology and Biochemistry
- Plant Ecology
- Plant Pathology
School of Business & Economics (SBE)
- Master of Business Administration (MBA)
- Master of Business Entrepreneurship (MBE)
- MSc. Human Resource Management
- MA in Economics
- Master of Economics in Applied Economics, Economic Policy Analysis & Management, Financial Economics
- MSc. in Finance
- MSc. in Supply Chain Management
- Hospitality Management
- Tourism Management
- Eco-tourism Management
School of Computing & Informatics
- Artificial IntelligenceComputer Communications & Networks
- Computer Science
- Computer Technology
- Mobile Computing and Networking
- Parallel and Distributed Computing
- Information Technology
- Information Systems
School of Development & Strategic Studies
- Research & Public Policy (MRPP)
- Political Science
- International Relations
School of Education
- Master of Education (MEd.) Options:
- Special Needs Education
- Curriculum
- Pedagogy
- Planning & Economics of Education
- Educational Administration
- Educational Technology
- Educational Psychology
- Guidance & Counselling
- Early Childhood Development and Education.
School of Environment & Earth Sciences
- Environmental Science
- Geography
- Urban Environmental Planning and Management
School of Mathematics, Statistics & Actuarial Science
- Pure Mathematics
- Applied Mathematics
- Applied Statistics
- Actuarial Science
- Quantitative Research Methods
School of Medicine
- Master of Science (MSc) in Medical Physiology
- Master of Medicine (MMed) in Family and Emergency Medicine
- Master of Medicine (MMed) Obstetrics and Gynaecology
- Master of Medicine (MMed) in General Surgery
- Master of Science (MSc.) in Human Anatomy
School of Planning & Architecture
- Project Planning & Management
- Monitoring and Evaluation
- Urban Management
School of Public Health & Community Development
- Medical Biotechnology
- Medical Parasitology
- Medical Microbiology
- Medical Immunology
- Medical Entomology and Vector Science
- Pharmaceutical Science
- Community Nutrition & Development
- Medical Histology and Histopathology
- Clinical Chemistry
- Hematology
- Family Development & Technology
- Public Health Nutrition
- Epidemiology & Population Health
- Health Promotion and International Health
- Health Systems and Services Management
- Master of Public Health (MPH)
- MSc. in Quantitative Research Methods
- MA. in Monitoring & Evaluation
- MA. in Project Planning & Management
- MA. in Social Development & Management,
- MA. in Social Policy
- MEd. in Educational Administration •
- MSc. in Supply Chain Management
- MSc. in Hospitality Management
- MSc. in Tourism Management
MU Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.)Programmes/Courses
check out the Doctor of Philosophy programmes/courses
School of Agriculture & Food Security
- Horticulture
- Agribusiness Management
- Animal Science
- Agronomy
- Soil Science
- Agricultural Economics
- Agricultural Extension
- Genetics & Plant Breeding
- Fisheries & Aquaculture
School of Arts & Social Sciences
- Anthropology
- Communication & Media Studies
- Design
- Ethnomusicology
- French
- History
- Kiswahili
- Linguistics
- Literature
- Music Education
- Music Performance
- Music Composition
- Theatre and Film
- Philosophy
- Religion
- Sociology
- Counselling Psychology
- Industrial- Organizational Psychology
- Gender & Development
- Gender & Public Policy
School of Physical & Biological Sciences
- Chemistry
- Cell & Molecular Biology
- Molecular Microbiology Biotechnology
- Applied Entomology
- Conservation Biology
- Applied Parasitology & Vector Biology
- Botany
- Physics
- Plant Ecology
- Plant Physiology and Biochemistry
- Microbiology
- Plant Taxonomy and Economic Botany
- Plant Pathology
School of Business & Economics (SBE)
- Business Administration
- Economics
- Hospitality/Tourism Management
School of Computing & Informatics
- Computer Science
- Computer Technology
- Information Technology
- Information Systems
School of Education
- Curriculum
- Educational Technology
- Pedagogy
- Educational Psychology
- Guidance & Counselling
- Planning & Economics of Education
- Special Needs Education.
- Early Childhood Development and Education
- Educational Administration
School of Environment & Earth Sciences
- Environmental Sciences
- Geography
- Barbra
School of Development & Strategic Studies
- Political Science
- International Relations
- Development Studies
School of Mathematics, Statistics & Actuarial Science
- Pure Mathematics
- Applied Mathematics
- Applied Statistics
School of Planning & Architecture
- Spatial Planning
School of Public Health & Community Development
- Biomedical Science and Technology
- Public Health
- Community Nutrition & Development
- Public Health Nutrition