Find out the list of items that any university student should send to campus. If you’re going to university for the first time this January, you’re probably going to spend the few weeks leading up to your departure anxiously trying to decide what to take to university with you.
Depending on whether or not you’re a light packer, it can be easy to spend too much money when thinking about what to take to university, especially if you want to ensure you’re prepared for anything. But, remember, university life isn’t much different from normal life back at home – except that at university you won’t have a parent around to iron your favorite t-shirt or buy you toothpaste.
Top University Courses and their Career Opportunities in Ghana
University Packing List
Below is our Top university checklist, covering all the list of items that any university student could need.
- Passport Picture (8-10 copies).
- Academic fees and Residential Fees payment slip and photocopies
- Admission Letter (8-10 copies).
- Residential Allocation sheet (3-5 copies).
- NHIS card and other relevant cards or documents.
- Copies of WASSCE results.
- Laptop
- Multi-socket or extension board.
- Pendrive
- Bucket
- Electric Iron.
- Clothing (casual dresses, home clothes, dinner dresses like a tuxedo for men and appropriate lady’s dinner wear, church dress, jewelry or watches, etc.). Simplicity is advised.
- Exercise books for writing notes.
- Dictionary for most courses
- Holy bible or Quran.
- Rice cooker.
- Blender or earthenware bowl.
- Hot Plate/electrical burner (gas cookers are not allowed) for campus residents.
- Laundry items (washing soaps, pegs, detergents, etc).
- Schoolbag for lectures or backpack or handbags.
- Stationery (Pens, pencils, erasers, etc.).
- Beddings (bed sheets, pillowcases, sleeping clothes, etc.).
- Dress hangers.
- Shoes (church, lectures, outing).
- A file to store important documents and receipts.
- Toiletries (toothpaste, toothbrush, beauty items, etc.).
- Raincoats or umbrella
- Sportswear and sports shoes.
- Chargeable flashlight.
- Small-sized saucepans, a frying pan, and other basic kitchen equipment.
- Plates, bowls, cups, and cutlery.
- Napkins
- A reasonable amount of foodstuffs and Provisions
- First aid medicines and sewing kit for emergencies.
- Mini Fridge (Optional)
- Microwave (Optional).
- Small-sized barrel in case of water shortages
- Money
- Rice
- Gari
How to Apply for Student Loan Trust Fund (SLTF) Online in Ghana
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