Lephalale TVET College Application Intake for 2026 is entirely online. All prospective and interested students should check available Programmes/Courses and their requirements.
Lephalale TVET College Application Intake for all Programmes/Courses
- Office Administration: Level 2
- Engineering & Related Design (Fitting & Fabrication): Level 2
- Electrical Infrastructure Construction: Level 2
- Hospitality: Level 2
- Management Assistant: N4
- N3 Engineering: (Phasing out, Final intake – 2nd Trimester 2026).
- N4 Engineering
NB: 2025 Matriculates can only be accommodated in the 2nd Trimester/Semester because Basic Education releases results after the TVET Colleges class start date.
How to Apply Online at Lephalale TVET College
Here are the steps for applying online at Lephalale TVET College.
- Go to https://lephalale.coltech.co.za
- Enter username and password or reset if you forgot the password
- Tap on Applications
- Type in the period of your choice
- Click Time Period and apply
- Always filter the class group and status that you wish to work on
- Click the required class group and Apply
- Click the required status and Apply
- Filtered applicants will appear, Click 3 dots – work on one applicant at a time.
- Click Documents and double click on each uploaded document (one at a time), verify if the required documents are uploaded and are visible & certified.
- Click Approve if documents meet the requirements or click Reject and choose the reason if the documents are incorrect.
- Move status to cancel if the application does not meet the requirements. Provide a reason that an applicant will receive by e-mail.
If the application meets the requirements, move the application to the next status.
Take Note
Correct application for new/returning Business Nated and returning NCV & Engineering Nated: move application to Pending Review then Provisionally Accepted.
Correct application for new Engineering Nated & NCV: Move an application to Book Assessment. Once the applicant has completed the Assessment at Student Support and his/her results are uploaded, the Status will change to Pending Review, and the application will be moved to Provisionally Accepted.
NB: Offers should be given to applicants according to the criteria set by members of the Selection Committee.
The applicant will accept an offer on his/her profile (The offer expires after 72 hours and the status will automatically change to Waiting List) and the status will change to Pre-Enrolled. Find scholarship opportunities and apply for NSFAS bursary or SASSA.
Email: [email protected]
Tel: 014 763 2252.
NB: TVET College Applications are Free.