KNUST Accommodation Portal

KNUST Accommodation Portal

Explore the Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology – KNUST Accommodation Portal and login with your application number and PIN. To book a hostel, select a room from your KNUST Hall of affiliation and complete these steps online.

List of KNUST Halls of Residence

  1. Republic Hall
  2. Unity Hall
  3. University Hall
  4. Independence Hall
  5. Africa Hall
  6. Queen Elizabeth Hall

Private hostels are available under the supervision of the University. Check GUSSS Hostel Portal

How to Apply for a Hostel at KNUST

KNUST Procedure for Online Application for Accommodation

Freshers must:

  1. Accept the offer of admission to proceed. check status or apply to study at KNUST.
  2. Pay academic fees in full before applying for accommodation.
  3. Do not pay academic and residential fees together. Make a reservation for accommodation before payment of residential fees.

Follow the steps below to make a reservation and select a room

  1. Login Accommodation Portal with your KNUST Application Number and PIN.
  2. Select the Make a reservation button to view available accommodation.
  3. Read and accept the accommodation instructions.
  4. Select accommodation from the list of KNUST Hall of Residence. A reservation code will be generated.
  5. Logout of the system and proceed to a pay point to pay residential fees.
  6. After payment of residential fees, login to the system to select a room.

How to Book a Room at KNUST

To get started tap “Login to Choose Your Room” column on the home page:

  1. Access the Room Allocator
  2. Enter Your Student Reference / Application Number found on your Admission Letter and PIN Number also found on the admission e-voucher obtained when you bought your application forms in the required fields.
  3. Tap on the “LOGIN”
  4. Enter your Full name and program of study shows up.
  5. Tap on the “CLICK HERE TO CHOOSE YOUR ROOM” blue button to continue.

A page opens with options to select a block and also a brief guide on what to do in the right section. Halls of residence have been divided into blocks

  1. Tap on Select a block

Rooms located in that block arranged in a matrix fashion load on the screen after a while. Observe the Legend which indicates which rooms are full, not available, etc to have a fair idea of which room to select.

  1. To select a room,Click on the room number in the matrix. A yellow small window pops up after a short period which indicates the current status of the room.
  2. If you are convinced of your choice, click on the “Confirm Choice of Room”button to proceed.
  3. Finalize your action by clicking onthe “OK” button on the dialog which pops up
  4. Click on “CANCEL”if you want to review your choice.

Details of your choice with your photograph loads confirming a successful selection.

  1. Click on “PRINT SHEET” to obtain a printed copy of your room selection.
  2. Log out at the top right corner of the page to close your session.

Failure to log out into the system may annul your choice of room so endeavor to log out.

  1. Keep your slip and present it to your hall of residence on the day of reporting.

What is next? Configure KNUST Wifi for your android or iphone and begin to register for courses online via the student AIM portal. check academic calendar for more schedules.