Kenya Power and Lighting Company (KPLC) rolls out Free Update Token Meter Yako Exercise targeting prepaid meters (token meters). Learn how to update your token meter using a USSD (SMS) code from Kenya Power.
Customers will receive two codes from Kenya Power and Lighting Company (KPLC) when they purchase tokens. They must key the codes to their meter following the steps indicated in the SMS before loading the new token. In other instances, the Company will send the codes directly to the customers who have not purchased tokens to notify them to update their meters. The process is simple and free.
Key Highlights of KPLC Meter Token Update
- The exercise targets customers on KPLC prepaid meters (token meters).
- The Prepaid meter update exercise is free of charge.
- Customers will receive 2 codes from Kenya Power via SMS (Reset Code and Update Code).
- Customers to ensure all previously purchased tokens are loaded to their meters before keying in the reset and update codes
- The update targets 7.4 million prepaid meters.
- Kenya Power will send 2 codes via SMS to the customer. The first code is the reset code, and the second code is the update code.
Did You Know
How to Update the Kenya Power Token Meter
Kenya Power and Lighting Company (KPLC) will send two codes (20-digit numbers) via an SMS that you, our customer, will use to update your prepaid meter. Once you receive the codes;
- Enter code 1 to reset your meter
- Enter code 2 to update the meter
You will be done in seconds, and it is free. You can then proceed to load your tokens as usual. The exercise only applies to customers on the prepaid (token) system and does not involve meters billed every month (post-paid).
KPLC Customers should load any unutilized tokens to the meter before they update them; failing to do so will prevent them from loading the previously bought tokens.