How to Register Staff Teacher onto the GESMIS Portal

How to Register Staff Teacher onto the GESMIS Portal

Explore this step-by-step guide to register or onboard staff to the GESMIS portal for Basic Schools. Learn how to verify, change password, update profile, and submit teacher for validation.

How to Onboard Staff onto the GESMIS Portal

Here’s a step-by-step guide for staff onboarding to the GES-MIS for Basic Schools.

  1. Log onto
  2. Go to Data Submission
  3. Select Staffing
  4. Click on Add Staff
  5. Enter the staff ID of the teacher
  6. Tap on Verify

The staff’s details, including Name, Date of Birth, and Social Security Number, will appear once verified. (These fields are pre-filled and cannot be edited.)

  1. Confirm the details by clicking Okay or Proceed.
  2. Fill in the Bio details (Name, Date of Birth, Social Security Number) are Employment Details
  3. Provide details of the staff’s qualifications.
  4. Specify the subjects taught and the classes assigned.
  5. Fill in any additional required fields.
  6. Click Save to save the staff member’s registration.

How to Register Additional Staff onto the GESMIS Portal

To register another staff member to the Ghana Education Service Management Information System, here’s the step to follow;

  1. Go to the GESMIS Dashboard
  2. Navigate to Register Another Staff
  3. Repeat the process starting with entering the staff ID
  4. Review the list and Submit
  5. Ensure all teachers are listed and their details are correct. Check the distribution of teachers across KG, Primary, and JHS. If everything is accurate,
  6. Tap on Click Here to Submit


  • Ensure all staff numbers are accurate to avoid verification errors.
  • Double-check employment and qualification details for accuracy.
  • Submit data only for review. after verifying all entered information.

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