How to Register for URA TIN Number

How to Register for URA TIN Number

TIN in full is the Taxpayer Identification Number a unique identifying number assigned to every taxpayer by the Uganda Revenue Authority (URA) for tax administration purposes. Any person who is likely to transact in any tax-related business with URA shall be required to apply for a TIN.

A URA TIN is a 10-digit unique number allocated and issued free of charge by URA to identify a person as a registered taxpayer.

 Why do you need a TIN?

  1. A TIN acts as a security measure on transactions regarding some assets like cars, land, or any other property.
  2. It enables one to import or export goods, claim tax benefits, access bank loans, acquire a trading license from the local government/KCCA to undertake business, register one’s car, and process stamp duty on land transactions above UGX 50 million.
  3. The TIN also facilitates the administration of a taxpayer’s tax affairs since it is issued for use by a registered taxpayer alone.

Requirements for TIN Registration

Key requirements for TIN registration include;


  • National ID or any other two identifications (Passport, Employee ID or Voter’s card, Driver’s Licence, work permit, Village ID, current bank statements, VISA)
  • Certificate of registration (in case of a business)


  • Certificate of Incorporation
  • Company Form 20

How to Get URA TIN Number

  1. Go to the URA Website
  2. Click on the icon marked “Get a TIN” to access the instant TIN link
  3. Click the Instant TIN button to access the form
  4. Click into the circle to select “Individual (For individuals)”
  5. Input your National ID
  6. Fill in the correct details, such as title, marital status, sir name, and first name
  7. Select source of income and filling the address, email, and contact details
  8. Select that you are not a Robot
  9. Click submit
  10. Your TIN will be sent to you instantly on your mobile phone and email address.

How to File a Tax Return

  1. Go to eTax Portal
  2. Login with your taxpayer TIN
  3. Navigate to e-services
  4. Select Return >>File a return and click on the applicable return type i.e. whether provisional or final income tax return.
  5. Select the return period and download the return template/ form.
  6. Save the downloaded return template at a preferred location. It is an MS Excel template (Please do not rename it.)
  7. Open the downloaded return template and enable macros or content. (Please do not cut and paste any values in the sheet)
  8. Fill in all required fields of the return template and make the necessary declarations. The tax payable will be computed and displayed.
  9. After filling in the required fields of the return template, Click validate
  10. If there is an error, you will be directed to the error page where you can correct the errors and validate again.
  11. If there is no error, click on yes to “save this template as an upload file”.
  12. Save the uploaded file at a desired location.

At the point of saving the upload file, do not rename it.

  1. Save template
  2. Return to the same page on the URA portal where you downloaded the return template and upload the saved upload file.
  3. Click submit

Upon submission, an acknowledgement receipt will be displayed for printing and a copy of it will be sent to the taxpayer’s email address. Learn more about URA Taxpayer EFRIS.

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