How to Check and Verify IEBC Polling Station

How to Check and Verify IEBC Polling Station

Find out here how to check your polling station and stream/lane on the verification portal via

Here’s a comprehensive guide on how to check your polling station and navigate through the IEBC Verification portal.

Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission (IEBC)

Kenya will hold its 12th General Election since independence and its 7th since the reintroduction of multi-party democracy in 1992. It will also be the third General Election to be held under the Constitution of Kenya 2010.

Kenya is also on the verge of a transition of power through an election for its 5th President. This momentous decision will be in the hands of 22,120,458 registered voters.

Kenyans will be voting for 16,105 candidates, who are vying for a total of 1,879 elective positions.

On this momentous day in our Nation, the Commission is committed more than ever to a free, fair, and credible General Election and all preparations are in place to ensure that we deliver on our constitutional mandate.

The Results Transmission System

  • The Commission has put in place an Election Results Management Framework (ERMF) that provides the workflow of results from the Polling Station to the Constituency and National Tallying Centre following the Elections Act and regulations.
  • The System allows the Presiding Officer to open the Results Transmission System application after the close of polling. The Presiding Officer shall be able to capture and transmit the image of the A series results’ form. In transmitting the results, the Results Transmission System only sends the A series results form which has a QR code once.
  • Persons authorized to be at the polling station including media, observers, and polling station agents will be allowed to take an image of the original results of Form 34A.
  • Polling station agents of Presidential candidates will be issued carbonated copies of the results from 34A.
  • IEBC Results announced at the polling station will be final.

Easy Ways to Check and Verify your IEBC Polling Station

Follow the step-by-step guide to check and verify your polling station online

  1. Explore  IEBC Verification Portal
  2. Enter your ID Number or Passport Number
  3. Enter your Date of Birth (DOB)
  4. Check your reCAPTCHA box to confirm you’re not a robot
  5. Tap the Check Now button

Well done!!! Your voting particulars will be displaced.

How to Verify Your IEBC Polling Station Using Phone

Follow the steps to verify your polling station via phone using IEBC Shortcode

  • Open a New Chat on your phone
  • Text IDNumber#YearOfBirth OR
  • PassportNumber#YearOfBirth
  • TO 70000
  • (e.g. 12345678#1234)

IEBC Public Live Presidential Results Portal

IEBC Location

University Way,

Anniversary Towers,

6th Floor,

P.O Box 45371 – 00100,

Nairobi. Kenya

Contact IEBC

Phone: (254) 020 – 2877000

Email: [email protected]