How to access and verify your Ghana Card using your smartphone

How to access and verify your Ghana Card using your smartphone

Find out how to access and verify all your detail on the Ghana Card using your smartphone with this Near Field Communication – NFC functions (check if your phone is supported with NFC). Ghana card registration is still ongoing now NIA have deployed permanent staff nationwide to the following registration centers to ease the pressure at Ghanacard office in Accra.

Online and Offline Verification

Verify Ghana Card with your Phone

Below are the steps you need to follow to access and verify all the information captured on your Ghana Card.

  1. Download ReadID NFC App for Android or IOS
  2. Enable the NFC function
  3. Tap “Get Started”
  4. Select ID Card or Passport
  5. Focus your camera on the Ghana Card MRZ code
  6. Keep the camera focus until it turns green (Ghana Card Access Number extracted)
  7. Place your Ghana card on the NFC zone of your phone, move slowly to start reading.
  8. All details on the Ghana card will show on your phone.

How to Verify if your Ghana Card is Valid Online


How to Register your SIM Card and link onto Ghana Card

Ghana Card Online Registration Portal

Registration of SIM with Ghana Card

NIA Ghana Card New Registration Fees

National Identification Authority (NIA) Ghana Card Registration