How to Accept Gauteng Department of Education (GDE) Placement

How to Accept Gauteng Department of Education (GDE) Placement

Parents and guardians with complete Gauteng Department of Education (GDE) Online Admission and Placement applications for Grade 1 and Grade 8 will receive placement offers via SMS notifications sent to the cell phone numbers provided when applications were registered Within 7 days of receiving a placement offer, the parents/guardians must log on to using their login credentials to either accept a placement offer as final OR provisionally accept an offer which means the offer is accepted while awaiting other offers.

Gauteng Department of Education (GDE) Placement Offers

  1. It must be noted that when a parent accepts an offer from a school as final, the learner is placed at that school. Placement offers that are accepted as final, cannot be reversed Parents who applied to more than one school, are encouraged to accept offers from the maximum of 5 schools they selected during the application period
  2. Accepting an offer will allow for more possible offers to choose from where available in your selection of schools while maintaining your placement
  3. If your next placement offer is accepted while awaiting other offers, your previous offer will no longer be available
  4. If no further placement offers are made to the parent within 7 days, all other schools applied to have reached capacity, and the learner is placed at the school where the last offer was accepted while awaiting further offers.
  5. SMSs will be sent out continually until all learners are placed
  6. This means that not all applicants will receive an SMS on the first day of the placement period. Still, parents/guardians who completed their application can expect an SMS with a placement offer anytime and throughout the year.
  7. Suppose parents & guardians have not received an SMS. In that case, there is a need to panic as applicants are welcome to use their credentials to log on to check GDE Admissions Application Status and whether a placement offer was issued.

GDE Placement Criteria

Parents and guardians are reminded that the placement offers are based on the following criteria considered in order of priority below (NOT FIRST COME FIRST SERVED):

  • Home Address Within the School’s Feeder Zone.
  • Sibling(s), Previous School.
  • Work Address Within School’s Feeder Zone.
  • Home Address Within 30km Radius.
  • Home Address Beyond 30km Radius Parents and guardians are also reminded that placement according to the above criteria is determined by the capacity of each school.

Did You Know 

GDE Admission Requirements and Documents

How to Accept a Placement Offe from the Gauteng Department of Education (GDE)

Accepting a placement offer here are the steps to follow;

  1. Go to
  2. Click the accept offer button

A dialogue box should be displayed with 2 options:

  • Accept the offer as final
  • Provisionally the accept offer
  1. Click provisionally accept offer and click confirm

The status “provisionally accepted” will be displayed on the parent dashboard

  1. Click accept as final button and click confirm
  • The status “accepted as final” will be displayed on the application
  • The status “accepted at another school” will be displayed on other applications

Placement of Unplaced Applicants

  • NB: Parents/guardians are reminded that ALL placement is subject to the priority of placement criteria and availability of space (capacity) per school
  • Therefore, applicants that cannot be accommodated at schools they applied to due to the schools having reached capacity, will receive transfer offers of placement at the next closest school with available space
  • Transfer offers are made only after confirmation that none of the schools to which a parent applied has available space
  • Parents/guardians who are offered placement at schools that they have not applied to have the option to accept or decline the placement offer

Objections and Appeals

To allow a fair admissions process, provision is made for Objections and Appeals

  • Applicants who are offered placement at schools that they have not applied to have the option to accept or decline the placement offer
  • To submit an objection, the parent declines the placement offer and completes an electronic objection form online
  • Objections must be submitted within 7 days of receiving the placement offer
  • NB: When placement is offered at one of the schools that the parent applied to, objections and appeals are not applicable
  • All objections are investigated on merit and an outcome is provided within 14 days of submission
  • Applicants who decline the objection outcome may submit an appeal online within 7 days of receiving the objection outcome
  • Appeals are processed and responded to within 14-21 days of receipt
  • Parents must note that the Appeal outcome is final

Placement Process Recap

  • Placement Offers will be released to parents via SMS notification throughout the year until all learners are placed
  • Placement offers must be accepted within 7 school days;
  • When a placement offer is received, the applicant’s parents should log in to their profile on GDE Admissions to accept the offer as final OR accept while awaiting other offers;
  • Parents may also visit District Offices OR schools for assistance to accept placement offers Applicants who do not accept placement offers within 7 school days will be auto-placed of the school that made an offer of placement.
  • It is important to note that placement is prioritized for applicants with verifiable home addresses within the school feeder zone and closest to the school and where space is available: When schools reach full capacity, applicants will be offered placement offers from schools with available space

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