CLU Student Portal

CLU Student Portal

Discover the Clifford University Student Portal via and login with your username and password. Here, new and continuing CLU Students register for their courses online.

About Clifford University Student Portal

The Clifford University, CLU Student Portal is an online gateway designed by Clifford University for new and continuing students to access and login with their usernames and password generated by the institutions during account creation.

Applicants who are yet to apply for the Clifford University, CLU, should explore the list of CLU courses/programmes and learn how to complete the online application form via the Admission Portal.

CLU New Student Registration

Clifford University Student, CLU Online Registration System allows newly admitted students of the University to access online services which include personal data registration, fee payment, course registration, semester result, course structure, and notifications among others.

To access the services, a student must activate an account on the system using Admission Acceptance Fee Payment RRR or Transaction ID and register their complete academic details. This activation is a one-time action that will be used to set up the student’s profile within the system.

How to Access CLU Student Portal

Here is a comprehensive step-by-step guide on accessing the Clifford University Student Portal.

  1. Go to CLU Website
  2. Locate the Navigation Tap on top of the CLU Homepage
  3. Locate Student Portal
  4. Tap on Student Portal to Proceed

How to Login CLU Student Portal

Follow this quick step to login to your Clifford University student account.

  1. Access Student Portal
  2. Enter your Registration Number/Matric Number, and Password
  3. Tap on the Login Button to Proceed

Reset Your CLU Student Password

Follow these steps to reset your CLU portal forgotten password and student login credential.

  1. Access CLU Student Portal
  2. Tap on Forgot Password
  3. Enter your Registration Email
  4. Tap on the Request Now to Proceed

How to Register for CLU Student Account

Here are the steps to register for the Clifford University Student account.

  1. Access the Student Portal
  2. Tap on Create Account
  3. Select and tap on Option 2 Register Account
  4. Enter your RRR Number/Transaction ID or Pin
  5. Tap to Proceed Button to Proceed

CLU Contact Details

Location: Clifford University, Ihie, Abia State.

Tel: +2348036970755, +2347034871571

Email: | support
