Explore Clever Portal via https://clever.com/. Here, Students login with Google/credentials to access the Clever Student Portal that puts learning at teachers’ and students’ fingertips. Besides, it enables each student access with a single sign-on (SSO) to every learning application.
How to Access Clever Portal
The Clever Portal provides students access to all of their learning applications in one location with a single sign-on. I already have Clever login or create an account to Get Started with clever.
- Visit the URL: clever.com
- Navigate to the Student tab
- Find your school
- Enter your PISD Username and Password
- Tap Login
Clever Login on an IPAD
The Clever app is compatible with iOS devices (e.g. iPads, iPhones) versions 9.0 or later, and is available for download from the App Store.
- Download the Clever App from the App Store
- Find your school
- Enter your PISD Username and Password
- Tap Login Button
Note: Applications will need to be installed and set to your school/domain on your iPad for you to be able to use the clever single sign-on. Not all applications in Clever will work on phones.
Discover Parent Portal
Login Clever Portal with Google
To access clever with Google, Ensure that all district users have a district-provided email address in Clever.
- Login Clever district dashboard Portal
- Select ‘Add Login Method‘ to the far right.
- Select ‘Google Authentication’ as the Identity Provider.
- Confirm the Google email source.
- Select ‘Save.’
Test various users to ensure their login credentials work. To do this:
- Ensure you have the credentials for a few students, teachers, or staff
- Navigate to your district’s Clever login page
- Enter the credentials of the user you are testing
- You should be successfully logged in to Clever as the user!