Check the latest Bank of Ghana Exchange rates today on the interbank forex chart from Bank of Ghana (BOG). Find how the major three currencies (Dollar, Pound, and Euro) are trading against the Ghana Cedis. See how much is 1 Dollar to Ghana Cedis today.
Exchange Rates in Ghana Today
Here are the current average interbank exchange rates by commercial banks for transactions published by the Bank of Ghana as of Wednesday, March 1, 2023.
Currency | Symbols | Buying | Selling |
1 US Dollar to Ghana Cedis | (USD) $ 1 | Ȼ 11.00 | Ȼ 11.02 |
1 Pound Sterling to Ghana Cedis | (GBP) £ 1 | Ȼ 13.20 | Ȼ 13.21 |
1 EURO to Ghana Cedis | (EURO) € 1 | Ȼ 11.73 | Ȼ 11.74 |
NB: This chart will be updated on daily basis. check black market dollar to cedis rates.
Bank of Ghana is working with other stakeholders including law enforcement agencies to discourage and penalize the activities of illegal foreign exchange operators in the country.